Kartikey Verma


I'm a passionate developer, building high-performance products with intuitive user experiences, transforming complex challenges into elegant solutions at lightening speed. I like travelling and exploring different cultures.


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Founding Software Engineer

June 2024 - Present

Led the development of a comprehensive web application, coding, hosting, and maintenance. Utilized Next.js, OpenAPI Spec, Prisma, and OAuth, while integrating Solana and Cosmos blockchains. Excelled in a fast-paced environment, adapting quickly to changing priorities and delivering effective solutions.


Full stack Developer

Aug 2023 - May 2024

collaborating with clients and startups to deliver scalable web applications. Experienced in fast-paced environments across various time zones, focusing on high performance and usability in system design.

Stealth Startup

Backend Developer

Dec 2021 - Jul 2022

Worked upon a React-based application with a NestJS backend, integrating GraphQL and Relay. Learned about i18next for multiple language support, websockets, and backend testing.


Here are some instrumentals that I listen to while coding, I bet you'll love them.

favorite reads

I like reading non-fiction books, blogs, and articles. Here are a few books which I really like.

Deep Work

Cal Newport

Do it Today

Darious Foroux

So Good They Can't Ignore You

Cal Newport

Show Your Work

Austin Kleon


Deadlift PR396.83 lb
Typing 30s105.12 wpm
Typing 15s115.12 wpm
KeyboardKeychron K2 Pro
MouseLogitech MX Master 3s